Post Of 5 April

Today we learnt about how to identify the location of visible stars using Stellarium. We learnt what coordinates are - points on a diagram that determine an object's position. The equatorial system uses declination and right ascension. Longitude is how far right or left the object is from the Prime meridian, while latitude is how far North or South the object is from the equator. The Prime meridian cuts through Greenwich, England, UK, Europe, Eurasia, Afro-Eurasia, Earth, Solar System, Milky Way, Local Group, Universe. The Earth has a north/south pole and an equator/prime meridian. Arcminutes and arcseconds are used as a very small angle on Earth may be a very large difference in location over vast distances. 1 arcminute is 1/60th of a degree. 1 arcsecond is 1/60th of an arcminute. Angles can be also represented as hours, minutes and seconds, the same thing. 1h = 15°. They are used in right ascension. We also learnt how to use Stellarium.
